C.M. offers a wide range of highly conductive and radio-transparent FRP gratings and other products and accessories which are ideal for the telecommunications sector (telephone, television, radio, Internet).
Our products are classified as excellent insulators according to the EN 61340 – 2-3 and IEC 61340-4-5 safety standards (surface, soil and transverse resistance and resistivity). They are the best solution for aerial poles and masts as well as support structures such as manhole coverings, walking surfaces, enclosures, gangways and ladders. Our line of products also includes FRP parapets for maximum safety of the operators and CE certified ladders for inspection chambers in accordance with the UNI EN 14396 standard. All our products comply with the UNI EN ISO 14122 – 1,2,3,4 safety standards.
Finally, our products are suited for structures designed to conceal or cover substations so as to avoid complaints from local communities regarding their intense visual impact on the surrounding environment.